Monday, July 13, 2009

Future Ace

This one is dedicated to the Dodgers left handed stud with the spectacular curve ball: Clayton Kershaw. With a lowered ERA of 3.16 and a record of 7-5 the kid is showing promise. Granted he has his bad days, and when he's bad he's really bad. But he also has his really good moments (refer to the game in Florida against the Marlins when he nearly had a no-hitter) and when he's good he's really good. But he also has his o.k. days like the most recent start against the Brewers. In the end however, you would like to see him go maybe a little longer, into the 7th inning or even the 8th. Especially with the banged up Dodger bull pen. Another thing he needs to work on is obviously the amount of batters he walks. It would be nice to see that number decrease by a lot. But worry not! He's only 21 and has the rest of his career to improve. I think that in the end he's going to end up a really great pitcher. Especially with that killer curve ball (aka public enemy number one as Vince Scully dubbed it.)